In My Life
Theatre Workshop's eighth production. Presented in June, 1999.

This show, again dedicated to our wonderful seniors, many who have now been a part of the TW family for most of their high school years, is devoted to exploring the many autobiographical elements of the performing arts. This includes emphasis on honest student reflections, scenes and monologues based on the students lives and points of view, and musical and dance pieces that reflect who they are and what they care about. With the dynamite Jackie Lopez as our TA and the incredible Ricky Amaya as our assistant director (both former TW students), the performers are encouraged to increase their hard work and discipline in order to raise the professional quality of this show even higher.

Highlights include two music and dance numbers from West Side Story: "Dance at the Gym" and "America". Also, our first full-scale rap number with the raps written entirely by the students performing; "Stayin Alive" a fun and colorful disco number performed by a mix of teachers (who actually remember the 70s) and the students; a beautifully sung scene from Miss Saigon; a comic scene for seniors prior to graduation looking back at some of their most memorable school moments; a beautiful and energetic Armenian dance performed by an ethnically mixed group of students; and a exuberant and joyful large group dance celebrating the World Cup Celebration, complete with bright flags from all nations represented by the students on stage.

Continuing its participation in community service projects, TW performs several dance numbers at the graduation ceremony for Marshalls Parent Institute, as well as participating in The American Cancer Societys National Smoke-Out Day.

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